Did you know that there are some free NHS health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP? This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery. Self-referral often includes services for drug and alcohol problems, as well as antenatal care and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT).
You can register for most of them online. In some cases you refer yourself by phoning rather than emailing or by completing an online form.
Victims First
Victims First Specialist Service supports anyone who has been a victim of a serious crime such as rape, sexual abuse, modern slavery or exploitation. Their team of Caseworkers are dedicated to making sure you can seek justice and get the right support to cope and recover.
They now have a new Outreach service and would like to speak to mutli-ethnic communities with the aim of raising awareness about their service and to offer Casework support to anyone who has experienced a serious crime.
Victims First offer free, independent, confidential, 1-2-1 emotional & practical support:
- They can advocate for your rights and make sure your needs are met.
- They offer help to access the right support services.
- If you choose to, they can support you through the criminal justice system.
- They can connect you with therapeutic support to promote your wellbeing.
- They can access interpreters if needed.
Please call one of their Outreach Workers for a confidential chat or for more information about the service on 07908 092116 (Oxfordshire), 07956 155167 (Buckinghamshire) or 07961 659794 (Berkshire).
Website: www.victims-first.org.uk
CAMHS [NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services]
Professionals, parents and young persons aged 14 yrs+ can refer via the telephone consultation service on 01865 902515 4 or via the website: www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/camhs.
Go Smoke Free!
You can now self refer to the free StopForLife service online or by calling 0800 122 3790
StopForLife has been the local stop smoking service in Oxfordshire since 2021. They can offer both in person and remote smoking cessation support to those living or working in Oxfordshire. There are three levels of support available – all are FREE;
- Self-service, Digital support via their App BestYou
- Supported self-service and Stop to Swap, Vape Starter kit, with brief one off coaching and access via Best You
- Full behavioural support, up to 12 weeks of coaching support from the specialist health coaches alongside, Nicotine Replacement Therapies and or Vape kit.
The Veterans Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
This NHS service allows patients to self-refer or via a GP.
Emergency Eye Casualty
Patients will need to call and be triaged on the number below before they are seen at the Eye Casualty.
Telephone number: 01865 234567 (use option 1 followed by option 1)
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30 and Saturday and Sunday 08:30-15:30pm (includes bank holiday). Out of hours call 111.
Minor eye conditions
Specsaver Banbury
The Minor Eye Conditions Service is based in Specsavers in Banbury. Please Telephone: 01295 251 251 to see a trained optometrist for an urgent assessment. Please see the attached patient leaflet for advice: PE-MEP-A5-Leaflet-Web.pdf
or visit the Primary Eyecare website primaryeyecare.co.uk
Free online sleep therapy
Sleepio is a fully automated online sleep improvement programme for poor sleep, which delivers tailored and engaging advice, 24/7 based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It is also NICE evaluated and NHS endorsed.
Around 20% of the adult population have persistence poor sleep. Sleepio is clinically proven to help those with insomnia make the changes necessary to achieve healthy sleep levels. In addition to better sleep, Sleepio users report improved productivity, more energy during the day and a reduction in anxiety and depression.
Anyone can access the Sleepio programme.
Website: www.Sleepio.com
New age-related hearing loss service launched in Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has commissioned a new, free treatment service for over-55s who have age-related hearing loss who have undertaken two weeks’ self-management without success. This follows work they carried out last year asking people about their experiences of getting treatment for earwax problems.
Find out more, including links to the report and to a self-referral form for the new service, at www.healthwatchoxfordshire.com – New age-related hearing loss service launched in Oxfordshire.
Oxfordshire MIND Safe Haven
Oxfordshire Safe Haven is open every day for people who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope, but nowhere to turn? If you’re in a dark place, you’re not on your own – we’re here for you.
Phone: 01865 903 037
Open: 11.30am-9.30pm, 7 days a week
Email: osh@oxfordshiremind.org.uk
Better Housing Better Health (BHBH)
Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) is a longstanding service working to reduce the number of people in fuel poverty; and so improve health & wellbeing. It is coordinated by National Energy Foundation (registered charity number 298591), but involves many other organisations across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, with a cross-referral mechanism in place to maximise the benefit to residents of each organisation’s field of expertise. It is kindly funded by Oxford County Council and the five local authority districts.
BHBH operates across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (excluding Milton Keynes). There are no eligibility criteria for residents to access this service, although it is targeted towards vulnerable residents. It encourages residents to look out for their neighbours, and those more vulnerable than themselves, particularly when the temperature drops, and risk of adverse health effects are increased.
Helpline Service
The network provides a central helpline, 0800 107 0044, able to give impartial expert advice on all issues surrounding fuel poverty and affordable warmth. This may include:
- Energy saving tips
- Heating systems; including any financial assistance for upgrades or replacements
- Insulation; loft, cavity wall and solid wall
- Fuel debt advice
- Switching energy suppliers
The helpline is promoted towards all residents likely to be struggling with rising energy bills, or those vulnerable to the cold. If residents prefer, there is also a dedicated email address, also used for incoming referrals from partner organisations: bhbh@nef.org.uk.
Financial assistance for home efficiency improvements (such as loft or wall insulation, replacement high-efficiency boiler or heating control upgrades etc.) may come from grants from the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), Council assistance and incentive schemes, energy supplier trust funds, benevolent trusts, flexible home improvement loans, depending on eligibility and available funding.
For further information or to complete a contact form please click on the link below.
You can refer someone else whether you are a relation, friend or advocate.
Single Point of Access
Single Point of Access can help you or someone you care for access help from Occupational Therapists, physiotherapists or Social Services. Ring (their number) to discuss your care needs
Please call 01865 903750.
School Health Nurse
If you have a child aged 5 – 11 years attending a primary school in Banbury, Burford or Carterton parents can contact the school health nurse team directly to request help or advice for their child.
For children at Banbury primary schools please telephone 01865 904234.
Further information on the service is available on the link below.
Beezee – Oxfordshire
Free healthy living courses for people in Oxfordshire, funded by the county council.
Courses include;
Beezee Families – our free, award-winning healthy lifestyle programme for the whole family.
Beezee Adults – our free healthy lifestyle programme – available in-person or online. It’s designed to help you lose weight in a healthy way, and keep it off for good.
Gutless – Weight loss support is usually aimed at women. But we get that blokes face their own unique challenges when managing their health and fitness, so we made Gutless.
Website; Beezee Free Healthy Lifestyle Services | Oxfordshire
Email; HelloOxfordshire@maximusuk.co.uk
Phone; 03332208952
Oxfordshire Community Bowel and Bladder Service
The Oxfordshire Community Bladder and Bowel Service is a community based service offering assessment, individualised treatment and support for anyone over the age of four to improve their bladder and bowel health.
Patients, family members and carers can make a direct referral to the adult service.
Referral to the children’s service can only be made by a healthcare professional.
Adult Telephone (aged 18+): 01865 904 303
Address: Community Bladder and Bowel Service Witney Community Hospital Welch Way Witney OX28 6JJ
Office opening times: Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00
Oxfordshire Community Bladder and Bowel Service leaflet
Useful documents for adults when self referring:
An initial physiotherapy assessment can be arranged with a Senior Physiotherapist without a referral from your GP. Please ask at Reception for a hub referral.
NHS Physiotherapy Services
You can self-refer to NHS physiotherapy services via the Connect MSK service. Please visit the website to refer yourself. Your GP does not need to refer you and doing it yourself is likely to be quicker. The website has lots of useful information on exercises and self-help too.
If you are unable to look online, the patient phone line is 01865 634 336.
Turning Point
Website: www.turning-point.co.uk
Turning Point are a social enterprise, providing specialist and integrated services which focus on improving lives and communities across mental health, learning disability, substance misuse, primary care, the criminal justice system and employment.
Telephone number for Oxfordshire is 0300 0134 776 and email address is Oxfordshire@turning-point.co.uk.
Banbury Hub
Turning Point Banbury, Banbury Health Centre, 58 Bridge Street, Banbury, OX16 5QD.
Tel: 01295 225 544
Find out more about the services in Oxfordshire on the Oxfordshire Wellbeing Cloud. www.wellbeing.turning-point.co.uk/oxfordshire
Oxfordshire Roads to Recovery
What they do
Roads to Recovery is your countywide integrated alcohol and drugs service. They offer support to individuals throughout Oxfordshire from their full-time, dedicated recovery hubs.
Banbury Hub
This hub is open 5 days a week providing a full range of specialist services in the area.
You can self refer by contacting the neighbourhood centre on 0207 233 3553 or by filling the below form.
See the referral form at www.turning-point.co.uk – Referral Form. They accept referrals from individuals, organisations and family/friends.
Referrals can be emailed, faxed or taken over the phone. The referral form is available at our service hubs, partner agencies and shared care settings.
Sexual health
Self referral to the local Sexual Health Clinic and Contraception Service. Contact us – Sexual Health Oxfordshire
Pregnancy termination services
MSI reproductive Choices
To speak with a member of our team and arrange an appointment that is convenient for you, call our contact line which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, we can provide an interpreting service where needed. Call 0345 300 8090
We also have a book online function to access appointments by completing your details and requesting a call back at a time that is convenient for you, using this link – Abortion online booking – MSI Reproductive Choices UK
Website – MSI Reproductive Choices UK – Your Choice, Our Support
To arrange an appointment that is convenient for you, call our booking line which is open 8am – 10pm seven days a week, we can provide an interpreting service where needed. Call 0333 004 6666
We also have a book online function to request a call back at a time that is convenient for you, using this link- Contact Us | Confidential Enquiries | NUPAS
Website – Abortion Clinics | Termination of Pregnancy Advice, Counselling & Treatment | NUPAS
Emergency contraception
Did you know emergency contraception is available for free in some local pharmacies?
Many people don’t realise it’s available or think that it is only available to certain age groups.
Help is available to anyone who needs it. You can get advice and access to FREE emergency oral contraception (commonly known as the morning after pill) from some pharmacies across Oxfordshire. Click to see the list of pharmacies in Oxfordshire Free emergency contraception | Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire Talking Therapies
We are a FREE NHS Talking Therapies service for Oxfordshire.
You can refer yourself via the website, using this link Talking Therapies
Or call on 01865 901 222
Website NHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies – for anxiety and depression